Welcome to the CLEAR Lab at SUSTech!

The Control & Learning for Robotics and Autonomy (CLEAR) Lab, led by Prof. Wei Zhang, focuses on advancing robotics and autonomous systems through innovative research in control and learning theory.

We tackle challenges in dynamic modeling, control design, and robot-environment interaction, with applications ranging from legged locomotion to autonomous navigation and manipulation. As part of the School of Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (AiM) initiative, our mission is to bridge theory and practice to shape the future of intelligent systems.

Research Areas


  • 诚招博士后

    团队简介 CLEAR(Control & Learning for Robotics and Autonomy)实验室致力于机器人控制理论与学习算法方面的研究。目前研究重点包括足式机器人感知与控制,足式机器人移动操作等。同时也从事机器人相关的控制、优化、机器学习等方面的算法与理论研究。实验室与美国Ohio State University,CMU,UC Berkeley,UIUC,Purdue,MIT,Notre Dame,香港科技大学,香港大学等国际知名高校有科研合作与访问交流机会。实验室尤其注重理论与应用的结合,与多家机器人领域知名企业保持良好的交流与合作关系。 团队负责人张巍现任南方科技大学长聘正教授、深圳市鹏城学者特聘教授,国家特聘专家(青年),美国国家科学基金职业奖(NSF CAREER Award)获得者。本科就读于中国科技大学。在美国普渡大学(Purdue University)获电气与计算机工程系博士学位。攻读博士期间获得国家优秀自费留学生奖。博士毕业后加入美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley) 担任博士后研究员。2011年起在美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University) 电气与计算机工程系任教,2017晋升为长聘副教授。2019年全职加入南方科技大学。在自动化与机器人权威期刊与会议上发表论文100余篇, 现为IEEE高级会员, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology Associate Editor,和IEEE Open Journal on Control

  • Prof. Bowen Weng (Iowa State University) visited our lab

    Prof. Bowen Weng visited our lab and gave a talk, entitled “On the possibilities and impossibilities of safety testing standards of robots”. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at

  • Prof. Wenzhen Yuan (UIUC) visited our lab

    Prof. Wenzhen Yuan visited our lab and gave a talk, entitled “Making sense of the physical world with high-resolution tactile sensing”. She is currently an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department

  • Prof. Maani Ghaffari (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) visited our lab

    Prof. Maani Ghaffari visited our lab and gave a talk, entitled “Computational Symmetry and Learning for Robotics”. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

  • Invited Speaker @ CSS Day 2022

    Prof. Zhang was invited to attend and give a talk named “Control And Learning For Legged Locomotion” at the 2022 CSS Day, held between October 19-21 online. Here is the absract of

  • CLEAR-Lab undergrad first-authored a paper accepted by IROS 2022

    A paper written by Zhi XU et al. in which Zhi XU is an undergraduate student from CLEAR-Lab, has been accepted by the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

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